10/ 05/ 2022

It is difficult to answer the question “What is Taoism?” Was it a religious movement that appeared in the Han Dynasty in the second century? What was this movement related to the thoughts of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu? Can Chinese martial arts and qigong practices and Tao Yin be included in Taoism? Or is it a set of secrets to enable initiates to become immortals?

All above questions are answered perfectly in the Taoism Secrets series by Mantak Chia and many other American scholars. It is the first time in the history of the Vietnamese publication that readers have witnessed the appearance of such a massive encyclopedia of Taoism.

Two authors of Secrets of Taoism series have perfectly combined all three parts: from the traditional theoretical basis of Taoism, the Buddhist meditation method, as well as a solid modern biomedical foundation, the authors offer a complete regimen that guides readers step by step into the secret of Taoism alchemy to prolong life, enjoy a happy life, and become as immortal as the universe itself. To live for good is the ultimate goal of practices of Taoism. It is such an unrealistic dream, but the spectacular advances in biological engineering have revealed extremely new perspectives for humanity. That prospect, if it turns out to be true, is a terrible disaster or an overwhelming happiness for people, it is still an open question for philosophers, moralists, and state agencies. The concept of "immortality" is no longer a silly dream of the Han Taoists. It deserves our serious consideration and evaluation.


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