24/ 06/ 2022
    Strategic Thinking is the ability to identify targets, strengths, weaknesses and important priorities in the business, providing the right action plan to ensure the achievement of benefits and help the business develop sustainably in the long term. The traditional way of thinking makes some mistakes. It is a single-line way of thinking that has only one cause or using a reflective way of thinking, assuming that speech reflects the speaker’s thoughts without consideration. Professional-focused thinking is also a mistake that would cause a loss of alignment and lacking of an overall view toghether with a system when looking at things In the book “Changing Minds”, Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, a leading expert in cognitive theory, offers a common “framework” for recognizing exactly what happens in the process of changing our minds, and showing how we can be influenced by that process. New thinking needs to be applied in life and divided into 4 types including “nonlinear thinking” that does not follow one way and must be considered for many reasons ; “complex thinking” is derived from Edward N. Lorentz’s theory of chaos, the initial conditions that determine the nature of the system ; critical thinking is the way of thinking like a judge, giving reasoning, citing both directions ; global thinking is not to use local/national thinking, but to use global thinking to identify a problem. Several methods can be applied to improve thinking: Regularly maintain the maintenance of the brain and body by reading books, watching movies, taking courses, and traveling… Interact with people who think different to you since the biggest bad habit in thinking is to like to be close to people who think the same as you. Being in contact with as many people with different ways of thinking helps to see the problem from many angles Frequently question your own thoughts with the question “Why do i think so?” Please watch the video of this talk: Facebook: fb.watch/tu-duy-chien-luoc-moi
    24/ 06/ 2022
    When discussing the meaning of life, in one way or another, do people always express the dream of a meaningful life? But what is a meaningful life and how to build it?  People may have different views, attitudes and opinions on this issue. Asking yourself the questions about the meaning of life is a very important activity and this seems to be one of the most philosophical questions. The meaning of life is closely related to human experiences as such, life would be a long way off in which people keep on improving themselves to become better. To come closer to answering the “meaning of life”, it is necessary to answer the question “What am I appreciating”? It could be experience, personality, material value, or spiritual value. This issue is related to society, does society accept the values you desire, how to create a society in which people's dreams and desires are accepted? As long as people are alive, they will face sorrows and sufferings, nevertheless, they are essential for each person because like saying: "only in the face of them will you become truly strong and happy." It is also a catalyst that help find the meaning of your life.  Please watch the video of this talk: Facebook: fb.watch/cuoc-song-co-y-nghia-gi-khong
    23/ 06/ 2022
    There are two properties to a concept: inclusion and extension. To grasp a concept, its inclusion and extension must be completely understood. A concept's inclusion consists of essential attributes of an object as they are reflected such a concept. It expresses the "qualitative" side of that concept, which answers the question: "What is the object reflected in such a concept?" A concept's extension is a totality of objects which possess the same attributes as reflected in such a concept. Every single object is an element belonging in that totality, and extension is such a totality, which expresses the "quantitative" side of a concept. It answers the question: "How many objects does such a concept reflect?" Inclusion reflects a historically situated knowledge, which changes in different ages. It determines a concept's extension in that specific period. Inclusion and extension are related in an inverted proportion. If a concept's inclusion is wider, its extension smaller, and vice versa. Relations among concepts are those among their extensions, as expressed in the following: 1-Relations of identity: two concepts have identical extensions, which means all the objects belonging to one concepts also belong in another. 2-Relation of inclusion: there exists a hierarchy of concepts, which means one concept can include another, low-order concept. 3-Relation of contradiction: two concepts may have two completely separated extensions, whose sum is equivalent to another concept's extension that embraces both of them. 4-Relation of dependence: one concept's extension is included in another's    
    20/ 06/ 2022
    A concept is an object, a basic form of thinking (including an idea, a meaning of a common name in a logical category, or deduction) that reflects common properties, nature, processes, phenomena in psychology and the most basic relationship between objects in objective reality. The term concept comes from Latin, concipere, which means something formed in the mind, considered a cognitive unit of meaning. It is a way of thinking about something, including subjective judgments. In fact, basic concepts are often misunderstood. Most people when asked to explain the meaning of a concept do not have a correct answer. Basic concepts can easily become controversial when the intricacies of the concept are not understood. Failure to understand concepts will give risk to misunderstandings, misinterpretations relevant concepts, and the conversations would not be able to reach the end goal. When it is easy to accept ready-made ideas ideas, act reflexively, thinking is not improved and is always forced into a framework. To avoid unnecessary controversy in a conversation, it is necessary to agree on  concepts before engaging in a debate
    10/ 05/ 2022
    Nguyen Du, in full Nguyen-du Thanh-hien, pseudonym To Nhu, (born 1765, Tien Dien, Vietnam—died Aug. 10, 1820, Hue), best-loved poet of the Vietnamese and creator of the epic poem Kim van Kieu, written in chu-nom (southern characters). He is considered by some to be the father of Vietnamese literature. Nguyen Du passed the mandarin examinations at the age of 19 and succeeded to a modest military post under the Le dynasty. He served the Le rulers, as his family had done for generations, until their dynasty fell in 1787. Nguyen Du was for a period associated with efforts to restore the Le to power, but, unable to achieve this goal, he withdrew to the mountains of Hong Linh near his native village. When in 1802 the new Nguyen ruler Gia Long succeeded in uniting the country and called Nguyen Du to court, he reluctantly obeyed and subsequently held many official posts.  While serving in Quang Binh in northern Vietnam in 1813, he attained the rank of Column of the Empire and was subsequently appointed head of a delegation to Peking. During this mission he translated a Chinese novel, dating from the Ming period, into Vietnamese poetry as Kim van Kieu (English translation by Huynh Sanh Thong, The Tale of Kieu: The Classic Vietnamese Verse Novel; 1973). As an exploration of the Buddhist doctrine of karmic retribution for individual sins, his poem expresses his personal suffering and deep humanism. He also wrote “Words of a Young Hat Seller,” a shorter poem in a lighter vein; Chieu hon (“Address to the Dead”); and many other poems in Chinese rather than Vietnamese. Nguyen Du was assigned to two other ambassadorial missions to Peking; before he was able to depart on the last one, however, he died of a long illness for which he stoically refused treatment. The Tale of Kiều is an epic poem in Vietnamese, considered the most famous poem and a classic in Vietnamese literature.The original title in Vietnamese is Đoạn Trường Tân Thanh (斷腸新聲, "A New Cry From a Broken Heart"), but it is better known as Truyện Kiều In 3,254 verses, written in lục bát ("six–eight") meter, the poem recounts the life, trials and tribulations of Thúy Kiều, a beautiful and talented young woman, who has to sacrifice herself to save her family. To save her father and younger sister from prison, she sells herself into marriage with a middle-aged man, not knowing that he is a pimp, and is forced into prostitution. While modern interpretations vary, some post-colonial writers have interpreted it as a critical, allegorical reflection on the rise of the Nguyễn dynasty.
    13/ 04/ 2022
    Analytical thinking and Synthetical thinking are two different thinking activities. “Analysis” means breaking down a problem into many details, which helps us to identify the main causes of a problem, and Synthesis, on the other hand, brings together the small pieces of detail, helping solving the problem. We can grasp the big picture, see the whole without getting too caught up in the details. It can be said that analytical thinking is the first step to capture all the relevant details and synthetic thinking is the last step to seeing what is happening, it is similar to the operations of Sherlock Holmes' work in Arthur Conan Doyle's work. He always starts with capturing even the tiniest points and then deducing what story they tell of what's going on, stringing them together to see a general picture. The left hemisphere of the brain is analytic and the right one is synthetic. Assuming that everyone's intelligence is equal from birth, these two abilities do not develop equally. You must practice every day to develop these two skills. While working, these are the two necessary skills to organize work and management smartly. It is necessary to equip the following skills to improve analytical and synthesis thinking: Comparing and contrasting ideals with actual practice Examining or evaluating assumptions Making plausible inferences, predictions, or interpretation Exploring implications and consequences Please watch full video clip of this talk via: Facebook: https://fb.watch/cmh2FjftQv/ Youtube: https://youtu.be/lA7l3XGxHUM  
    01/ 04/ 2022
    PERSONALITY STRUCTURE UNDER PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY - DƯƠNG NGỌC DŨNG. Psychoanalysis is a research theory on personality organization and personality development motivation, exploring humans’ inside world, in order to figure out reasons for the manifestations through human behavior to the external objective world then find solutions to adjust human behavior, especially activities that affect moral and social values. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, argued that human personality is complex, composed of three different elements: the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is the aspect of personality that is driven by basic needs, which is the only component of personality that is present from birth. This is usually an instinct, such as hunger, thirst or sexual desire, etc. It is entirely unconscious, acting on the pleasure principle, striving for the immediate gratification of any desire or need. If these needs are not satisfied immediately, the result is a state anxiety or tension. The ego is governed by the principle of reality, develops from the id, and its job is to ensure that instinctual urges are demonstrated in an acceptable way in the real world. The reality principle that governs the ego will weigh the pros and cons of the behavior before the subject decides to perform or ignore the it. The ego operates simultaneously in the conscious, pre-conscious, and unconscious states. The final emergent component of personality is the super-ego. The super-ego is controlled by moral principles. It is our perception of the rights and wrongs in life, helping to educate and perfect our behaviors. It suppresses all the hard-to-accept urges of the id and struggles to make the ego act upon idealistic standards rather that upon realistic principles. When talking about the id, the ego, and the superego, it is important to remember that these are not three totally separate entities with clearly defined boundaries. These aspects of personality are dynamic and always interacting within a person to influence an individual’s overall personality and behavior. According to Freud, the key to a healthy personality is a balance between this trio. Please watch full video clip of this talk via: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/exlibrishermes/videos/341552621245027/ Youtube: https://youtu.be/WUcVkpGgpzQ

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