21/ 07/ 2022
    Ikigai is a Japanese word put together by two words: ikiru (live) and kai (see hope). Ikigai is known as a journey to find out the reason for each person. For the Japanese, finding their own Ikigai is a prerequisite for every human being, they believe that when you find an Ikigai, you would feel happy and enjoy life in every moment.  Four factors create Japanese Ikigai: What are you passionate about?: find the things you love because doing what you love makes you excited to do it every day and you would have enough motivation to pursue and develop it What is a field you do best?: Find the field you like best, it helps you affirm your own worth, makes you feel more interested and when you love something your chances of doing it well are much higher. What does the world need from you?: Explore to find what the world really needs from you. What could you earn the money from? Money makes you maintain, improves quality of life and helps you follow your own passion. Ikigai is the intersection of these 4 questions. Remember that Ikigai could not be achieved in a short time and it is not meant to bring you stress, it reminds you that in a life each person always has many different needs to make a complete version. Please watch this talk via: Facebook: https://fb.watch/em7QYyU6zq/ 
    21/ 07/ 2022
    Each individual human being always has unique moral qualities, thoughts and actions, which create values ​​and identity characteristics in each person. Based on research, if people stand alone, they still retain those good qualities, what would happen if put them in a frenzied crowd, would they still maintain their usual calm or would they lose their reason for a moment? Crowd psychology is a psychological effects of chain nature, crowds are always influenced by the unconscious, they behave like primitive people, act instinctively, without the ability to think and reason, but only feel by images, by the association of ideas, they are unstable, erratic, and go from the most hysterical enthusiasm to the most absurdly naive. Besides, because of their condition, these crowds need a leader, who can guide them and give their instincts meaning. Any psychological effect has two sides: positive and negative: First, the positive side: when there is a good deed that is spread positively in life or on social networking sites, we can see the response of the online community is very high, it creates a temporary bond and that sometimes helps a person overcome difficulties. On the negative side: if an event is pushed too far, the crowd can be dominated by deviation, causing big consequences, possibly even killing a person, both figuratively and literally, the riots in the world are partly caused by this crowd psychology effect. Please watch this talk via: Facebook: https://fb.watch/em6I_rVUn3/ 
    15/ 07/ 2022
    Everyone has known and experienced, life is not a beautiful smooth and easy road. Depending on each individual situation, there would be different opinions about it. Presently, we might feel that everything is going well but that does not mean it would last forever. Risk is something that is always lurking to happen at any time and we cannot prevent it completely. Currently, there is no unified definition of risk because each individual would give a different. These definitions are varied but the focus can be divided into two majors: the traditional and the modern.  Risk consists of 3 factors: Probability, Impacts on objectives, Duration. The nature of risk is uncertainty, so if it is certain (probability is 0% or 100%), it is not called a risk. Risks can occur for a variety of reasons. However, we can group them into two causes, which are objective causes (natural disasters, epidemics, environmental problems, risks in the process of scientific and technical development) and subjective causes (usually from people). However, the reality must be acknowledged that the risk, whatever happens for any reason, causes the loss of income, life, health and property of people. Please watch this talk via: Facebook: https://fb.watch/eeaTpSiPvz/ 
    15/ 07/ 2022
    What are emotions? Why should we know how to control and regulate our emotions? How to makes people manage their emotions in the best? Emotions are human reaction and vibration to the impact of external factors. In other words, when something happens in your environment and your brain interprets it. If it is perceived as a threat, the brain releases stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol. These things would lead you to feeling fear, worry or anger, but if the situation was helpful, the brain would release hormones that make you feel happiness, fun, excitement, stimulation as oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin. Emotional management is a way of using the mind to control a part of feeling. Thereby changing their reactions and actions to the impact in a positive direction. People should not confuse managing emotions with suppressing emotions. Suppress is to press down, to squeeze tightly to not let it show. Thus, suppression is not management, management is how we allow our emotions to manifest to a certain extent and measure. Please watch this talk via: Facebook: https://fb.watch/eea8S5r6AO/
    15/ 07/ 2022
    Friedrich August von Hayek (May 8, 1899 – March 23, 1992) was an Austrian-born British economist and political scientist. Hayek is known for arguing in favor of free-market capitalism against the socialist ideas that were developing in the 20th century. He is considered a profound influence on the successive generations of intellectuals and politicians. However, in many ways Hayek is an unorthodox thinker and even is the opposite of most liberal economists. He did not believe in an autonomous, formalized and self-contained economics. Philosophy is the theoretical core of a human's worldview, it will determine the economic, political, cultural, artistic, moral, etc. Therefore, scientific and correct philosophy plays a very great role in the development of society in general and the economy in particular. This is reflected in a few key points: 1. Philosophical worldview of science - theoretical basis for correct thinking about economics. 2. Philosophical worldview - methodological basis for understanding and creatively and correctly applying economic laws. 3. Philosophical worldview - theoretical basis for the correct planning of economic policies. 4. Philosophical scientific worldview - methodological basis for the formation of the right business culture; on that basis, contributing to economic development. Please watch this talk via:  Facebook: https://fb.watch/ee9LOmR465/   
    30/ 06/ 2022
    The US presidential election is considered the most intense and prolonged one in the world, it’s a complicated process with many voting stages from the moment you start polling to decide your candidacy. The election process consists of two stages: selecting the candidates of the parties which is called “the primary election” and electing the President from among the candidates which is called “the general election”. Primary Election: This is a process in which candidates compete within their own party to become the party's sole representative in the election. General Election: After the parties have selected their representatives as Presidential candidates for the election, the candidates will continue to run their campaign for the Presidency. Moreover, in this talk, we will have full access to knowledge of  Populism. In short, Populism is a term that refers to a wide range of political positions, an ideology that presents “the people" as a force for moral good and opposes them to “the elite person", who are portrayed as corrupt and self-interested. Populists may differ in how they define but these definitions might be based on different classes or ethics or nations.  Please watch the video of this talk via: Facebook: https://fb.watch/dZ74QDil_h/
    30/ 06/ 2022
    There are many different behaviors that manifest in life and it could be expressed in activeness or inactiveness, negativity or positivity, instinctive or conscious behavior… Many behaviors are accomplished throughout one's life, good and bad inclusive. Therefore, human behavior changes depend on some circumstantial factors and this takes time. Behavior is a sequence of repeated actions when action is the totality of activities (reactions, behaviors) of the body in response to external stimuli. Behavior can be conscious, subconscious, overt or covert and voluntary or involuntary. We ourselves sometimes create behaviors  to satisfy our needs and to be more complete, we can summarize into the 8 parameters that create the behavior as below:  Identity Desire Demand Awareness Skill Environment Social acceptance  Activation factor The goal of behavior change is to eliminate negative behaviors and promote positive ones. What motivates people to change behavior? We can understand what behaviors are as well as how to change them in this talk.   Please watch this talk via: Facebook: https://fb.watch/dNkmzu9mCO/ 

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