Founded in May 2021, we are inspired to become a translation center which translates and publishes Western canon in philosophy and social sciences under the guidance by Mr. Bùi Văn Nam Sơn. We provide a professional working space with high-quality dictionaries and tools to assist out in-house as well as external translators.

We publish three following book series: Hermes classics, Introduction Series, and Bùi Văn Nam Sơn Guidebooks.
  • TS. Dương Ngọc Dũng
    Managing Director

    Dương Ngọc Dũng holds a Ph.D in Religious Studies from Boston University, an MA in East Asian Studies from Harvard University and an MBA from UBI - Belgium. Dr. Dung has 30 years of international experience in education and training in diverse fields such as Philosophy, Literature, Religions, International Relations, Business, etc. He has held a variety of senior teaching & collaborating positions at USSH - HCMC, Banking University - HCMC, UBI - Belgium, University of Bolton, etc. Currently, he is the Director of Philosophy Program at HSU. He was also CEO of Creative Media Consulting and Superbrain Corporation.


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